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Rapid Response® Amerdon
Tips on using RR
Instructions for using Rapid Response


1. The directions say to feed 2 ounces but I prefer 4 ounces initially for 10 days or longer to build RR in the blood and have enough RR in the body to work systemically to correct other imbalances in the body that are unknown to the caregiver. I would rather you start with 4 ounces. When a severe injury just occurs and during initial treatment an animal may receive up to one pint daily especially for 5-7 days then decrease dose every 5-7 days depending on response (need to request this individually) with an area that cannot be wrapped. When RR cannot be applied topically to the body, please add this amount to the oral dose. RR will work feeding orally only but it takes longer.)

It is recommended to take Rapid Response for 5 days straight before you can evaluate if your quality of living has improved a “little”.  It also may take 3 days after you stop Rapid Response to notice the difference of not taking Rapid Response.  (These general comments apply to all forms of Rapid Response.)  Please keep in mind that once you are at the stage where you want to be, then you can decrease the dose if you desire and continue  on a daily basis to give you the foundation to prevent further problems which we highly recommend.
Some suggested Material for Wrapping:
1. BB Satin Star 12's 12 Standard Leg Wrap Sheets (fold into a bandage or use cotton In #2 and also use as wrap around the entire leg.
2. Ken-vet practical cotton lIb roll or other cotton rolls (not too thick)
3. Magnets for greater penetration-recommended use depends on problem .
4. Standing Quilt Wraps
5. Vet Wrap or tape to hold wraps
6. Plastic wrap such as Saran Wrap (large rolls available at Office Depot for reasonable price) * Saran Wrap can get too hot and should not be applied directly to the skin.  If it gets too hot it can cause blistering.  4-24-10 We now recommend a piece of a mattress protector or a puppy training pad....a cut out pad that has a thin layer of cotton (you do NOT want to draw the RR AWAY from the problem area and thus a think layer of cotton.  The pad also contains a plastic backing which prevents leakage (RR can stain) and provides some warmth which enables the RR to absorb into the skin.   A human can also apply a heating pad under low or medium heat over the wrap.  More complete directions are sent with the Rapid Response order.  Wrapping is very important in the beginning for a week or two and the type and method of wrapping depends on the problem.  Contact Sharone for more complete info on how to wrap for your particular problem.


Application for areas other than the foot:
1. Area should be clean (washed with pure castille soap or other pure soap as available and have no medications on or in skin for last three days. ) Wash, rinse and dry.
2. Directions: SOAK a cotton pad or folded sheet cotton made into a bandage thoroughly with
whatever amount is necessary depending on size of injury. No sanitary pads or diapers. (We are now experimenting with using Human Adult incontinence BED PADS and cutting to appropriate sizes.) You can also massage the injured area (not a cut) with a little RR to build up circulation in the area and then apply the pad soaked with RR. If the area is difficult to wrap you might try adding a little dmso with the RR and massaging the area and then apply a wann heating pad to build the warmth so the RR is absorbed into the area. Make sure it does not get too hot.
3. Wrap leg or area with sheet cotton over pad soaked with Rapid Response.
4. Wrap plastic such as saran wrap over sheet cotton. Keep the plastic off the leg or other body part. Remember not to wrap too tightly because all you want to do is hold the RR on the
area..... ifyou wrap too tightly you can cause blistering, swelling or even bows.............. in addition, if after a month of daily wrapping or whatever time period, the area starts to get mushy, leave the RR offfor a few days but continue to feed RR and increase oral dose.
On large areas that are difficult to bandage such as the shoulder, back or hip, we are rubbing RR into the skin and applying more on the skin and covering directly with plastic (or you can try a cotton pad underneath and a larger piece of saran wrap over it). The plastic will hold the RR on the area for awhile and the affected area should get warm (Do not do this on white colored horses under a hot sun). It is also necessary to feed larger amounts of RR when applying to difficult to bandage areas. A blanket might help hold the plastic on also. 
You may apply magnets but they must be lower or on the affected area and not above it and should be placed as close to the skin as possible but separated by thin cotton and not on top of wrapping if you are also using plastic. Remember the plastic and magnets will both get the blood flowing to this area so use caution if you use both at the same time. If you have an upper body problem and a blanket with magnets use it. The magnets should increase the circulation to the area. Magnets CAN be left on the same length of time as the Rapid Response wrap. 6. Apply quilts or no bow wraps and then polowraps or vetwrap etc for support.
7. Leave on 24 hours and reapply as above. Sometimes if the area is still very moist after 24 hours and you put enough on to begin with and the area is still properly wrapped you might be able to leave the wrap for 2 days.
We would like the participants to e-mail us directly with the method of wrapping they are using and any updates on progress of animal including attitude of animal, physical differences, vet reports and if any problems or questions we can help them solve.


Note: When applying Rapid Response, we want some warmth in the area which helps the Rapid Response absorb into the injured area. We recommend using plastic wrap but in some cases as in light or thin skinned horses or where there is too much sun or where the person doing the wrapping is wrapping too tight or not correctly, the injured area (usually soft tissue such as tendons) gets irritated. I have talked to our long term distributors about this problem and they all seem to have different methods of applying and wraping with Rapid Response. As of 4/20/04 we have not had any complaints about this for over a year. We are in the process of formulating a standard procedure but until that time I would say as a rule of thumb if the horse is light or thin skinned or if there is already heat in the area and if you are using magnets which we recommend, use caution with the plastic wrap. We are now researching the use of  Magnet Wraps instead of plastic wrap. These wraps have the advantage of providing some heat in addition to holding the Rapid Response on the leg. You must also make sure that all external medicine is out of the horse's system and wash the leg with a soap preferably untlavored castile soap. So let your common sense and knowledge of horses be your guide as to if and how you use plastic wrap. You are also adding Rapid Response to the animal's feed so keep in mind if you ever have a temporary delay in applying Rapid Response to the external affected area you will not be stopping the process.
4/20/04 Update
We have several people using isoxsuprine and they are having faster results. The isoxsuprine diaIates the blood vessels in the feet and thus gets more blood into the area and thus more Rapid Response. . Many people believe isox does not benefit the horse that much but in our case we are using the isox to help carry the Rapid Response in the blood to reach the foot better. We have in the past wrapped the hoof to accomplish this. At this time we are testing to see ifwe can use (1) isox and RR with magnets and not wrapping and (2) isox and RR with wrapping and magnets. Feedback via email is always welcome here because we use the feed back to try and help other horses, animals and people.
You can apply Rapid Response to open cuts etc and use similar to triple antibiotic ointments because it not only has antiseptic properties but also natural antibiotics and well as helps speed up the healing process. It will sting at for a couple of minutes but then will numb the area for a few hours. Do not cover with plastic. Dab on the clean cut.

 If you would like to know what Rapid Response does for your animal Try It Yourself!